Principles of Management FYBMS Semester II


Michael Vaz  –  Meeta Seta

Sixth Revised Edition – November 2022

ISBN 978-93-5750-027-2


Principles of Management


FYBMS Semester II




Unit – I : Nature of Management (15 Lec.)
♦ Management : Concept, Significance, Role and Skills, Levels of Management, Concepts of PODSCORB, Managerial Grid
♦ Evolution of Management Thoughts, Contribution of F. W. Taylor, Henri Fayol and Contingency Approach

Unit – II : Planning and Decision Making (15 Lec.)
♦ Planning : Meaning, Importance, Elements, Process, Limitations and MBO
♦ Decision Making : Meaning, Importance, Process, Techniques of Decision Making

Unit – III : Organising (15 Lec.)
♦ Organising : Concepts, Structure (Formal & Informal, Line & Staff and Matrix), Meaning, Advantages and Limitations
♦ Departmentation : Meaning, Basis and Significance
♦ Span of Control : Meaning, Graicunas Theory, Factors Affecting Span of Control
♦ Centralization v/s. Decentralization
♦ Delegation : Authority and Responsibility Relationship

Unit – IV : Directing, Leadership, Co-ordination and Controlling (15 Lec.)
♦ Directing : Meaning and Process
♦ Leadership : Meaning, Styles and Qualities of Good Leader
♦ Co-ordination as an Essence of Management
♦ Controlling : Meaning, Process and Techniques
♦ Recent Trends : Green Management and CSR


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