Macroeconomics-II – SYBA Semester IV


A. D. Mascarenhas – Dr. P. A. Johnson – Dr. K. P. Mody

Third Revised Edition : November 2023

ISBN : 978-93-5750-434-8



(Economics Paper – V)


SYBA Semester IV




Module – I : Inflation (12 Lectures)
The Economics of Depression, Hyper Inflation; Inflation: Features and Causes, Demand Pull Inflation and Cost Push Inflation, Effects of Inflation; Nature of Inflation in Developing Economy; Phillips Curve; Stagflation: Meaning, Causes and Consequences

Module – II : Economic Policy (12 Lectures)
Monetary Policy : Objectives, Instruments, Limitations, Role of Monetary Policy in Developing Economies; Fiscal Policy – Objectives, Instruments, Limitations and Role of Fiscal Policy in Developing Economies

Module – III : Post Keynesian Economics (12 Lectures)
The IS-LM Model of Integration of Commodity and Money Market; IS Curve: Derivation of IS Curve, Shift in IS Curve, Equilibrium in Goods Market; LM Curve: Derivation of LM Curve, Shift in LM Curve, Equilibrium in Money Market; Simultaneous Equilibrium in Goods and Money Market

Module – IV : External Sector (12 Lectures)
Balance of Payment : Structure, Disequilibrium in Balance of Payment, Types, Causes and Measures to Correct Balance of Payment Disequilibrium; Foreign Exchange Market: Determination of Exchange Rate: Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate; Spot and Forward Exchange Rate; Exchange Rate Policy


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