Principles of Management – I FYBCOM (MS) Semester I


Michael Vaz – Meeta Seta

First Edition – July 2024

ISBN 978-93-5750-796-7


Principles of Management – I


Major : Mandatory


FYBCOM (Management Studies) – Semester I


Syllabus (As per NEP 2020) w.e.f. the Academic year 2024-2025


Module 1 :
Unit 1 : Introduction to Management and Managerial Thoughts
a. Concept and Features of Management – 6M’s of Management – Need for Management in Business and Non-business Organisations
b. Functions of Management – Levels of Management – Management Competencies and Skills

Unit 2 : Management Thoughts
a. Peter Drucker’s Analysis Thoughts – Scientific Management Theory by F.W Taylor – Administrative Management Theory by Henri Fayol – Human Relations Theory by Elton Mayo and Hawthorne Experiments – Henry Mintzberg Managerial Roles
b. Indian Management Thoughts – Contribution of Kautilya and Mahatma Gandhi’s Principle of Trusteeship

Module 2 :
Unit 3 : Functions of Management – I
a. Planning – Meaning – Significance – Components (Strategic, Single Use and Stranding Plans), Decision Making – Concept – Essentials of Sound Decision Making – Techniques
b. Organising – Concept – Importance – Types of Organisation Structure – Line and Staff, Matrix Organisation Structure – Features – Formal v/s Informal

Unit 4 : Functions of Management – II
a. Virtual Organisational Set Ups – A Pre Requisite to Gen Z – Challenges – Span of Management – Factors, Tall and Flat Organisation – Features
b. Departmentation – Concept – Bases – Staffing – Concept – Process of Staffing – Decentralisation – Factors – Centralisation v/s Decentralisation of Authority


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