History of Medieval India – TYBA Semester VI


Dr. Eugene J. D’Souza

Third Revised Edition – November 2022

ISBN 978-93-5750-017-3


History of Medieval India

(1526 – 1707)


TYBA Semester VI




Module – I : Foundation, Expansion and Decline of the Mughal Rule
(a) India on the eve of Mughal Rule; Invasion of Babur
(b) Humayun, Shershah and Akbar
(c) Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb

Module – II : Administrative Structure of the Mughals
(a) Central and Provincial Administration
(b) Mansabdari System
(c) Revenue and Judicial system

Module – III : Rise of the Maratha Power
(a) Shivaji and Foundation of Swarajya
(b) Administration of Shivaji
(c) Sambhaji, Rajaram and Tarabai

Module – IV : Society and Economy, Religion and Culture of the Mughal Rule
(a) Society and Economy
(b) Religion, Education and Literature
(c) Art and Architecture


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