Consumer Behaviour – SYBMS Semester III


Michael Vaz – Aurora Vaz

4th Revised Edition, June 2023

ISBN 978-93-5750-081-4


Consumer Behaviour


SYBMS Semester III




1. Introduction To Consumer Behaviour (14 Lec.)
♦ Meaning of Consumer Behaviour, Features and Importance
♦ Types of Consumer (Institutional & Retail), Diversity of Consumers and Their Behaviour – Types of Consumer Behaviour
♦ Profiling the Consumer and Understanding Their Needs
♦ Consumer Involvement
♦ Application of Consumer Behaviour Knowledge in Marketing
♦ Consumer Decision Making Process and Determinants of Buyer
♦ Behaviour, Factors Affecting each Stage and Need recognition

2. Individual – Determinants of Consumer Behaviour (16 Lec.)
♦ Consumer Needs & Motivation (Theories – Maslow, McClelland)
♦ Personality – Concept, Nature of Personality, Freudian, Non – Freudian and Trait Theories, Personality Traits and It’s Marketing Significance, Product Personality and Brand Personification
♦ Self Concept – Concept
♦ Consumer Perception
♦ Learning – Theory, Nature of Consumer Attitudes, Consumer Attitude
♦ Formation & Change
♦ Attitude – Concept of Attitude

3. Environmental Determinants of Consumer Behaviour (15 Lec.)
♦ Family Influences on Buyer Behaviour
♦ Roles of Different Members, Needs Perceived and Evaluation Rules
♦ Factors Affecting the Need of the Family, Family Life Cycle Stage and Size
♦ Social Class and Influences
♦ Group Dynamics & Consumer Reference Groups, Social Class & Consumer Behaviour – Reference Groups, Opinion Leaders and Social Influences In-group versus Out-group Influences, Role of Opinion Leaders in Diffusion of Innovation and in Purchase Process.
♦ Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour Understanding Cultural and Sub-cultural Influences on Individual, Norms and Their Role, Customs, Traditions and Value System

4. Consumer Decision Making Models and New Trends (15 Lec.)
♦ Consumer Decision Making Models: Howard Sheth Model, Engel Blackwell, Miniard Model, Nicosia Models of Consumer Decision Making
♦ Diffusion of Innovations, Process of Diffusion and Adoption, Innovation, Decision Process, Innovator Profiles
♦ E-Buying Behaviour, The E-buyer vis-a-vis the Brick and Mortar Buyer, Influences on E-buying


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