Basics of Financial Services – SYBMS Semester III


Dr. V. S. Kannan – Dr. Vaibhav Ashar

5th Revised Edition, June 2023

ISBN 978-93-5750-073-9


Basics of Financial Services


SYBMS Semester III




Unit – 1 : Financial System (14 Lec.)
An overview of Financial System, Financial Markets,
Structure of Financial Market (Organised and Unorganized Market),
Components of Financial System, Major Financial Intermediaries, Financial Products, Function of Financial System, Regulatory Framework of Indian Financial System (Overview of SEBI and RBI-Role and Importance as regulators).

Unit – 2 : Commercial Banks, RBI And Development Banks (16 Lec.)
Concept of Commercial Banks – Functions, Investment Policy of Commercial Banks, Liquidity in Banks, Asset Structure of Commercial
Banks, Non-Performing Assets, Interest Rate reforms, Capital Adequacy Norms.
Reserve Bank of India – Organisation & Management, Role and Functions
Development Banks – Characteristics of Development Banks, Need And Emergence of Development Financial Institutions In India, Function of Development Banks.

Unit – 3 : Insurance (15 Lec.)
Concept, Basic Characteristics of Insurance, Insurance Company Operations, Principles of Insurance, Reinsurance, Purpose and Need of Insurance, Different Kinds of Life Insurance Products, Basic Idea About Fire and Marine Insurance and Bancassurance

Unit – 4 : Mutual Funds (15 Lec.)
Concept of Mutual Funds, Growth of Mutual Funds in India, Features and Importance of Mutual Fund. Mutual Fund Schemes, Money Market Mutual Funds, Private Sector Mutual Funds, Evaluation of the Performance of Mutual Funds, Functioning of Mutual Funds in India.


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