Organisational Behaviour MCOM Semester III


Michael Vaz – Meeta Seta

First Edition – October 2017

ISBN 978-93-86758-33-0


Organisational Behaviour


MCOM Semester III




1. Organisational Setting
♦ Introduction to Organisational Behaviour (OB) – Concept, Nature, Foundation, Disciplines and Scope of OB.
♦ Evolution of OB – Evolution – Stages, Human Relations Approach – Hawthorne Experiments, Models of OB.
♦ Organisation Design – Key Factors,Steps in Organisation Structure, Organisations for Future – Types.

2. Foundation of Individual Behaviour
♦ Factors affecting Individual behaviour- Personal, Psychological, Organisation System, Environmental.
♦ Personality and Perception – Nature of personality, Determinants of personality, Personality Traits, Factors Influencing Perception, Managing Perception Process, Perception and OB
♦ Attitude – Nature, components, work related attitudes, Barriers to attitudinal Change, Measures to attitudinal change.

3. Group Dynamics and Behaviour
♦ Group – Types of Groups, Stages of Group Development, Group Decision making – Advantages and Problems.
♦ Work place behaviour – Determinants of Group Behaviour, Power and Politics – Sources of Power, Types of Organisational Politics.
♦ Conflict – Levels of Conflict, Strategies for resolving Conflict, Guidelines for effective negotiation.

4. Emerging Challenges
♦ Stress Management – Sources, Effects, Strategies, Stress and Performance.
♦ Organisation Culture – Cultural Dimensions, Creating Organisational Culture, Maintaining Organisational Culture.
♦ Workforce Diversity – Concept, Managing Diversity effectively, Ethical Behaviour in workplace, Managing Ethics at work place.


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