Management & Organisation Development – TYBCOM Semester VI


Michael Vaz – Meeta Seta

Fourth Revised Edition – November 2022

ISBN 978-93-91381-99-8


Management & Organisation Development

(Business Management – Paper IV)


TYBCOM Semester VI




Module – I : Directing and Leading
(a) Communication as an important tool for effective direction and leadership
(b) Barriers to Communication
(c) Ethical issues in using social media for communication
(d) Role of a leader in business organisations – qualities of a good leader
(e) Styles of Leadership
(f) Leadership continuum – developing an effective leader – path goal theory
(g) Transactional and transformational leaders

Module – II : Co-ordination and Motivation
(a) Co-ordination as ‘essence of management’
(b) Co-ordination vs co-operation vs conciliation
(c) Motivation – meaning and importance of motivation
(d) Financial and non-financial motivators
(e) Theories of Motivation – Maslow’s theory – Herzberg’s theory – McGregor’s theory

Module – III : Controlling and Information Management
(a) Definition and steps in controlling
(b) Strategic and operational controlling techniques
(c) Requirements of an effective control system
(d) Flow of information in a typical organisation – Need for managing information
(e) Designing and developing modern MIS – Introduction to ERP

Module – IV : Contemporary Issues in Management
(a) Challenges in organizational growth and development -management perspective
(b) Change Management
(c) Importance of time management and tools for effective time management
(d) Addressing diversity due to human resource mobility
(e) Conflict Management


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