Macroeconomics-I SYBA Semester III


A. D. Mascarenhas – Dr. P. A. Johnson – Dr. K. P. Mody

4th Revised Edition, June 2023

ISBN 978-93-5750-085-2




SYBA Semester III




Module – I : Introduction to Macroeconomics and National Income (12 Lectures)
Introduction : Meaning and Scope of Macroeconomics; Concepts of National Income : GNP, NNP, NDP, Per Capita Income, Personal Income and Disposal Income; Methods and Difficulties in Measurement of National Income; Circular Flow of National Income : Closed Economy (Two and Three Sector) and Open Economy Models (Four Sector Model)

Module – II : Consumption and Investment (12 Lectures)
Consumption and Investment; Says Law of Market; Theory of Effective Demand; Consumption Function; Investment Function; Marginal Efficiency of Capital and Rate of Interest – Investment Multiplier

Module – III : Supply of Money and Demand For Money (12 Lectures)
Supply of Money; Determinants of Money Supply; Velocity of Circulation of Money; RBI’s Approach to Measurement of Money Supply; Demand for Money : Classical, Keynesian and Friedman’s Approaches

Module – IV : Banking (12 Lectures)
Banking : Commercial Bank, Functions of Commercial Banks, Multiple Credit Creation, Balance Sheet of Commercial Bank; Development in Commercial Banking Sector Since 1990-91; Central Bank : Functions of Central Bank – Traditional, Developmental, Promotional


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