IT_Fundamentals of Computers – UG First Year Programme Semester I


Verus D’Sa

First Edition – July 2024

ISBN 978-93-5750-413-3


IT_Fundamentals of Computers


Open Elective (OE)


UG First Year Programme Semester – I


Syllabus (As per NEP 2020) w.e.f. the Academic year 2024-2025


Module 1 : (15 Hours)
1. Computer Basics : Introduction to Computers: Definition of Computer, Characteristics of a Computer, History of Computers, Generation of Computers. Classification of Computers – Analog, Digital and Hybrid. Algorithms, Problem Solving Using Computers
2. Input / Output Units : Input Devices – Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, OMR, OCR, Barcode Reader, Joystick, Tracker Ball, Touch Screen, MICR, Output Devices – Monitor – Different Types, Printers – Impact and Non-Impact Printers, Plotter
3. Computer Memory : Computer Memory: Elementary Concepts of Sequential and Random Access, Primary Storage Devices, RAM, ROM, Types of ROM – PROM, EPROM, EEPROM. Secondary Storage Devices – Magnetic Disk, Magnetic Drum, Magnetic Tape, Hard Disk, CDROM, DVD, Pen drive
4. Computer Languages : Why Programming Language? Assembly Language, Higher Level Programming Languages, Compiling High Level Language Program
Module 2 : (15 Hours)
1. Basics of Operating Systems: Generations, Types, Structure, Services, System Calls, System Boot, System Programs, Protection and Security Memory Management: Main Memory, Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging, Structure of Page Table, Segmentation, Virtual Memory, Demand Paging
2. File System Interface: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory Structure, File System Structure, Allocation Methods, and Free-Space Management. Basic DOS (Disk Operating System) Commands: cd, dir, copy, mkdir, clean etc. Basics of Windows Operating System, Working with Utilities of Windows Operating System like Notepad, Paint, Word pad etc.
3. Computer Network: Introduction to Data Communication System and Its Components, Networks, Types of Connection and Topologies, LAN, MAN, WAN, et al. Network Models – OSI Models, Layers in OSI Models, TCP/IP Protocol
4. Internet and WWW: Introduction to Internet and its Applications, Connecting to the Internet, Client/Server Technology, Internet as a Client/Server Technology, Email, Video-Conferencing, Internet Service Providers, Domain Name Server, Internet Address, Internet Protocols (IP, TCP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, Telnet), Introduction to Intranet, Internet vs. Intranet vs. Extranet, Advantages and Disadvantages of Intranet.
World Wide Web and Its Evolution, Architecture of Web. Uniform Resource Locator (URL), Browsers: Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Mozilla


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