Introduction to Museology and Archival Science – TYBA Semester VI


Dr. Anuradha K. Ranade – Dr. Swapna H. Samel – Dr. Sheela M. Nabar

Fourth Edition – November 2022

ISBN 978-93-5750-018-0


Introduction to Museology and Archival Science


TYBA Semester VI




Module – I : Museology
(a) Definition of Museology, Museum Movement in India
(b) Role of the Curator
(c) Types of Museums

Module – II : Museums
(a) Methods of Collection and Conservation of Objects in Museums
(b) Preservation Techniques and Types of Exhibitions
(c) Changing Role of Museums: In-house and Out-reach activities of Museums

Module – III : Archival Science
(a) Meaning, Scope, Objectives and Classes of Archives
(b) Importance of Archives: Value of Records as Sources of History
(c) Classification of Records

Module – IV : Management of Archives
(a) Appraisal and Retention of Records
(b) Conservation and Preservation of Records
(c) Digital Archives


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