Introduction to IND AS MCOM Semester I


Ainapure – Ainapure

First Edition – October 2023

ISBN 978-93-5750-315-0


Elective Courses (EC)

Introduction to IND AS


MCOM Semester I


(As Per NEP 2020)



Module – I : 2 Credits
Unit – 1 : Introduction
(A) Introduction to Accounting: Concept of Accounting Theory – Role of Accounting Theory – Classification of Accounting Theory – Deductive and Inductive Approach in Theory Formulation
(B) Accounting Principles: Concepts and Conventions – Accounting Standard : Concept – Evolution – IASB – IASC – FASB – ASB in India (Theory only)
Unit – 2 : Standards Relating to Financial Reporting and Disclosure
(A) Ind AS-101 : First time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards – Ind AS-1 : Presentation of Financial Statements – Ind AS-7 : Cash Flow Statements (Including Problems) – Ind AS-8 : Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
(B) Ind AS-10 : Events after the Balance Sheet Date – Ind AS-24 : Related Party Disclosures – Ind AS-34 : Interim Financial Reporting – Ind AS-105 : Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations – Ind AS-108 : Operating Segments

Module – II : 2 Credits
Unit – 3 : Standards Providing Guidance on Financial Statement Items
(A) Ind AS-2 : Inventories (Including Simple Problems) – Ind AS-11 : Construction Contracts (Including Simple Problems) – Ind AS-12 : Income Taxes – Ind AS-16: Property, Plant and Equipment
(B) Ind AS-17 : Leases (Including Simple Problems) – Ind AS-115 : Revenue from Contracts with Customers – Ind AS-20 : Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance – Ind AS-23 : Borrowing Costs – Ind AS-38 : Intangible Assets
Unit 4 : Standards Relating to Business Acquisitions and Consolidations
(A) Ind AS-28 : Investments in Associate and Joint Ventures – Ind AS-103 : Business Combinations – Ind AS-110: Consolidated Financial Statements
(B) Ind AS-111 : Joint Arrangements – Ind AS-112 : Disclosure of Interest in Other Entities


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