Introduction to Archaeology – TYBA Semester V


Dr. Ranade – Dr. Samel – Dr. Nabar

5th Revised Edition, June 2023

ISBN 978-93-5750-087-6


Introduction to Archaeology


TYBA Semester V




Module – I : Aims and Methods of Archaeology
(a) Definition, Aims and Development of Archaeology in India
(b) Archaeology and History; Archaeology and Other Sciences
(c) Field Archaeology: Methods of Exploration, Excavation and Dating Antiquities; Significance of Archaeology

Module – II : Pre-Historic, Proto-Historic and Early Historical Periods
(a) Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Periods
(b) Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods
(c) Megalithic and Early Historical Periods

Module – III : Epigraphy
(a) Definition and History of Indian Epigraphy
(b) Types of Inscriptions and their significance
(c) Evolution of Brahmi and Kharosthi Scripts; Edicts of Ashoka

Module – IV : Numismatics
(a) Definition and History of Indian Numismatics
(b) Ancient Indian Coinage: Punch-Marked, Satavahana, Western Kshatrapas, Kushana and Gupta Coins
(c) Contribution of Numismatics to Indian History


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