International Economics TYBA Semester VI


A. D. Mascarenhas – Dr. P. A. Johnson – Dr. K. P. Mody

Second Revised Edition – November 2022

ISBN 978-93-5750-163-7


International Economics


TYBA Semester VI




Module 1 : Introduction to Trade Theories (12 Lectures)
Meaning, Scope and Importance of International Trade – Difference Between Internal and International Trade – Adam Smith’s Theory of International Trade – Ricardian Theory of Comparative Cost Difference Heckscher-Ohlin Theory – Leontief’s Paradox – Krugman’s Model

Module 2 : Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment (12 Lectures)
Concepts of Terms of Trade (Net Barter, Gross Barter and Income Terms of Trade) – Meaning and Difference Between Balance of Trade (BOT) and Balance of Payment (BOP) – Purchasing Power Parity Theory, Law of Reciprocal Demand – Marshall-Edgeworth Offer Curves, Gains from Trade – Case For and Against Free Trade and Protection Policy

Module 3 : Foreign Exchange Market (12 Lectures)
Meaning and Functions of Foreign Exchange Market – Exchange Rate Determination, Factors Influencing Foreign Exchange Rate – Managed Flexibility – SWAP Market, Components of Foreign Exchange Reserves Foreign Aid Vs Foreign Trade, FDI and MNCs

Module 4: International Economic Institutions and Economic Integration (12 Lectures)
IMF, World Bank – Role and Functions – WTO – Objectives, Functions and Agreements with Respect to TRIPS, TRIMS, GATS, AoA – Forms and Objectives of Economic Integration – Cartels – Trade Blocs, ASEAN – European Union (EU) – NAFTA and SAARC


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