Information Technology in Banking & Insurance – I SYBBI Semester III


Verus D’Sa

1st Edition, June 2019

ISBN 978-93-88626-81-1


Information Technology in Banking &
Insurance – I


SYBBI Semester III




1. Introduction to Electronic Commerce (10 Lectures)
(A) E-Commerce Framework, E-Commerce and Media Convergence, Anatomy of E-Commerce Applications, E-Commerce Consumer and Organization Applications
(B) The Network Infrastructure for Electronic Commerce : Market Forces Influencing the I-way, Components of I-way, Network Access Equipment
(C) E-Commerce and World Wide Web : Architectural Framework of E-Commerce, WWW and its Architecture, Hypertext Publishing, Technology behind the Web, Security and the Web

2. E-Banking (15 Lectures)
(A) Meaning, Definition, Features, Advantages and Limitations – Core Banking, the Evolution of E-banking in India, Legal Framework for E-banking
(B) Electronic Payment System
Types of Electronic Payment Systems, Digital Token-based EPS, Smart Card EPS, Credit Card EPS, Risk in EPS, Designing a EPS

3. MS-Office : Packages for Institutional Automation (20 Lectures)
(A) Ms-Word : Usage of Smart Art Tools, Bookmark, Cross-reference, Hyperlink, Mail Merge Utility and Converting Word as PDF Files
(B) Ms-Excel : Manipulating Data, Working with Charts, Working with PIVOT Table and What-if Analysis; Advanced Excel Functions – Vlookup(), Hlookup(), PV(), FV(), average(), goal seek(), AVERAGE(), MIN(), MAX(), COUNT(), COUNTA(), ROUND(), INT(), nested functions, name, cells / ranges / constants, relative, absolute & mixed cell references, >, <, =operators, Logical Functions using if, and, or =, not, date and time functions & annotating formulae.
(C) Application in Banking and Insurance Sector : Calculation of Interest, Calculation of Instalment, Calculation of Cash Flow, Calculation of Premium, Calculation of Risk Coverage in Insurance and Reporting.

4. Cyber Law & Cyber Security (15 Lectures)
(A) Need of Cyber Law, History of Cyber Law in India
(B) Cyber Crimes : Various Threats and Attacks, Phishing, Key Loggers, Identity Theft, Call & SMS Forging, E-mail related Crimes, Denial of Service Attacks, Hacking, Online Shopping Frauds, Credit Card Frauds, Cyber Stalking
(C) Cyber Security : Computer Security, E-Security, Password Security and Reporting Internet Fraud


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