Information Technology in Accountancy – I SYBAF Semester III


Verus D’Sa

5th Revised Edition, June 2023

ISBN 978-93-5750-068-5


Information Technology in Accountancy – I


SYBAF Semester III




1. Introduction to Computers (10 Lec.)
History of Computers
Parts of Computers
Hardwares: Specifications and Data Storage Management
Softwares: Concept of System Software and Applications
Networking: Introduction and Types of Network Topologies

2. Office Productivity Tools (20 Lec.)
MS Word: Creating, Editing, Formatting and Printing of Documents, Using Tools, Mailmerge and Print Review and Set-up
MS Excel: Creating Worksheet, Creating Various Formulae, Creating Charts,Rename and Copy of Worksheets, Using Tools, Printing Review and Set-up
Power Point: Create Project Report, Create Slides, Animation, Page Designing, Insert Image, View Page, Print Review and Set-up.
Use of Tools In Accounting : Preparation of vouchers, invoices and reports, Calculation of Interest, Depreciation,TDS, Salary, Taxes, inventory and reconciliation

3. Web (10 Lec.)
Use of Various Web Browser
Information Searching Tools
Create New email ID
Sending Data through email
Search Engine Optimisation

4. Introduction to Internet and other emerging technologies (10 Lec.)
Introduction – Internet Components – Electronic Commerce – E-commerce Applications – Electronic Data Exchange – Extranet – Payment Systems – Risks and Security Considerations – Legal Issues – Other Emerging Technologies

5. Electronic Commerce (10 Lec.)
Meaning, Advantages and Limitations of E-Commerce, The Role of Strategy in
E-Commerce, Value Chains in E-Commerce, Infrastructure for Electronic Commerce
Web Based Tools for Electronic Commerce, Electronic Commerce software, Security Threats to electronic Commerce, Implementing Security for Electronic Commerce, Electronic Payment Systems, Strategies for Marketing, Sales & Promotion
Strategies for Purchasing Logistics & Support Activities, Electronic Markets & Communities, Business Plans for Implementing Electronic Commerce


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