History of Asia – TYBA Semester VI


Dr. Eugene J. D’Souza

First Edition – November 2018

ISBN 978-93-88626-05-7


History of Asia

(1945 CE – 2000 CE)


TYBA Semester VI




Module – I : Transformation of China
(a) Domestic Policy in People’s Republic of China under Mao Zedong
(b) Economic Progress in China under Deng Xiaoping
(c) Foreign Policy of China with USSR

Module – II : Reconstruction of Japan
(a) American Occupation of Japan
(b) Economic Miracle in Japan
(c) Foreign Policy of Japan with USA

Module – III : South East Asia
(a) Cold War and Vietnam
(b) Guided Democracy in Indonesia
(c) Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Module – IV : Conflicts in West Asia
(a) Arab- Israel Conflict (1948-2000)
(b) Iranian Revolution of 1979
(c) Oil Politics and OPEC


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