Economics of Growth and Development TYBA Semester V


A. D. Mascarenhas – Dr. P. A. Johnson – Dr. K. P. Mody

3rd Revised Edition – June 2023

ISBN 978-93-5750-093-7


Economics of Growth and Development


TYBA Semester V




Module 1 : Meaning of Economic Growth and Development (12 Lectures)
Concepts of Economic Growth and Development – Distinction Between Economic Growth and Development – Concept of Human Development – H.D.I, G.D.I, Green GDP – Sen’s Capability Approach – Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – Initiative by Indian Government towards MDGs

Module 2 : Theories of Economic Development (12 Lectures)
Rostow’s Stages of Growth; Big Push Theory – Leibenstein’s Critical Minimum Effort Thesis – Harrod – Domar Growth Model – Lewis Model of Unlimited Supply of Labour – Ragner Nurkse’s Theory of Disguised Unemployment – Schumpeter’s Theory of Development

Module 3 : Structural Issues in Development Process (12 Lectures)
Concept of Human Capital – Role of Education, Health and Nutrition in Human Capital – Meaning and Measurement of Poverty and Inequality – Measures to Eradicate Poverty and Inequality – Meaning of Inclusive Growth – SHG and Microfinance – Migration – Urbanization – Formal and Informal Sector – Urban Informal Sector

Module 4 : Planning, Technology and Economic Development (12 Lectures)
Concept and Role of Infrastructure in Economic Development – Role of Technology in Economic Development – Labour Intensive Versus Capital Intensive Technology – Schumacher’s Concepts of Intermediate and Appropriate Technology – Green Technology – Meaning and Types of Economic Planning – Role of Planning in Economic Development


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