Cost Accounting – I FYBAF Semester I


Ainapure – Ainapure

6th Revised Edition – July 2022

ISBN 978-93-91381-52-3


Cost Accounting – I


FYBAF Semester I




1. Introduction to Cost Accounting
Objectives and Scope of Cost Accounting
Importance and Advantages of Cost Accounting
Difference between Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting
Limitations of Financial Accounting
Definitions : Cost, Costing and Cost Accounting
Classification of Cost on Different Bases
Cost Allocation & Apportionment
Coding System
Essentials of Good Costing System

2. Material Cost
Material Cost : The Concept
Material Control Procedure
Stock Ledger, Bin Card
Stock Levels
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

3. Labours Cost
Labour Cost : The Concept
Composition of Labour Cost
Labour Cost Records
Overtime / Idle Time / Incentive Schemes

4. Overheads
Overheads : The Concept
Classification of Overheads on Different Bases
Apportionment and Absorption of Overheads


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