Computer Systems And Applications – TYBCOM Semester VI


Verus D’Sa

Fifth Revised Edition – November 2023

ISBN 978-93-5750-769-1


Computer Systems And Applications


TYBCOM Semester VI




Module – I : E-Commerce (18 Lectures)
(a) Definition of E-commerce
(b) Features of E-commerce
(c) Types of E-commerce (B2C, B2B, C2C, P2P)
(d) Business Models in E-commerce (Advertising, Subscription, Transaction Fee, Sales Revenue, Affiliate Revenue)
(e) Major B2C models (Portal, Etailer, Content Provider, Transaction Broker, Market Creator, Service Provider, Community Provider).
(f) E-Commerce Security : Integrity, Non repudiation, Authenticity, Confidentiality, Privacy Availability.
(g) Encryption : Definition, Digital Signatures, SSL.
(h) Payment Systems : Digital Cash, Online stored value, digital accumulating balance payment, Digital credit accounts, digital checking.
(i) How an Online credit card transaction works. SET protocol.
(j) Limitations of E-commerce.
(k) M-commerce (Definition and Features)

Module – II : Advanced Spread Sheet (9 Lectures)
(a) Multiple Spreadsheets
(i) Creating and using templates, Using predefined templates, Adding protection option.
(ii) Creating and Linking Multiple Spreadsheets.
(iii) Using formulas and logical operators.
(iv) Creating and using named ranges.
(v) Creating Formulas that use reference to cells in different worksheets.
(b) Functions
(i) Database Functions LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP
(ii) Conditional Logic functions IF, Nested IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF

Module – III : Advanced Spread Sheet (9 Lectures)
(a) Functions
(b) Data Analysis
(i) Filter with customized condition.
(ii) The Graphical representation of data Column, Line, Pie and Bar charts.
(iii) Using Scenarios, creating and managing a scenario.
(iv) Using Goal Seek
(v) Using Solver
(vi) Understanding Macros, Creating, Recording and Running Simple Macros. Editing a Macro (Concept only)

Module – IV : Visual Basic (9 Lectures)
(a) Introduction to Visual Basic, Introduction Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Programming Language (Procedural, Object Oriented, Event Driven), Writing VB Projects. The Visual Basic Environment
(b) Introduction to VB Controls
Text boxes, Frames, Check boxes, Option button, Designing the User Interface, Default & Cancel property, tab order, Coding for controls using Text, Caption, Value property and Set Focus method
(c) Variables, Constants, and Calculations
Variable and Constant, Data Type (String, Integer, Currency, Single, Double, Date), Naming rules/conventions, Constants (Named & Intrinsic), Declaring variables, Val Function, Arithmetic Operations, Formatting Data.
(d) Decision and Condition
Condition, Comparing numeric variables and constants, Comparing Strings, Comparing Text Property of text box, Compound Conditions (And, Or, Not). If Statement, if then-else Statement, LCase and Ucase function, Using If statements with Option Buttons & Check Boxes. Msgbox (Message box) statement Input Validation : Is Numeric function.
(e) Sub-procedures and Sub-functions, Using common dialog box, Creating a new sub-procedure, Writing a Function procedure. Simple loops using For Next statements and Do while statement and display output using MsgBox Statement.

Note :
(a) Theory 3 lectures per week.
(b) Practical session batch size 20-25, 1 practical = 3 theory lectures per week.
(c) 10 practicals are to be completed in each semester.

                               SEMESTER – VI
Topic                                                         Number of Practicals
Presentation skills                                                             1
Advanced Spread Sheet                                                   6
Introduction to Visual Basic                                           3
Minimum 6 practicals are to be recorded in the journal in the Semester VI.
[Minimum 4 on VB, 2 on Advanced Spread Sheet]

Suggested list of Practical’s for Semester VI :
1. Preparing a PowerPoint presentation on an E-Commerce website.
2. Calculation of DA, HRA, PF, Gross Salary and Net Salary using Spread Sheet.
3. Calculation of Income Tax using Spread Sheet.
4. Filtering data and Graphical representation of data using Spread Sheet.
5. Using VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP using Spread Sheet.
6. Creating and managing a scenario using Spread Sheet.
7. Use of Goal Seek and Solver using Spread Sheet.
8. Write a project in VB to design a suitable form to add two numbers and display their sum.
9. Write a project in VB to design a suitable form to enter sales and calculate and display the bonus which is 10% of sales.
Write a project in VB to design a suitable form to enter salary and calculate and display the DA which is 90% of salary.

(d) Scheme of Examination
Type                                                                         Marks                                   Duration
Theory                                                                              75                                          2½ hours
Practicals                                                                         20                                 1 hour per batch of 10
Active Participation and Class Conduct                     5

Theory Examination Pattern For Semester VI :

All questions compulsory.
Question No.                          Module No.                       Marks                            Marks with
                                                                                                                                 Internal Option
Q.1                                    Objective Type                      11 + 2 + 2                                  23
based on I, (II, III) and IV
Q.2                                                        I                                             15                                         30
Q.3                                                       II                                             15                                         30
Q.4                                                      III                                            15                                         30
Q.5                                                       IV                                            15                                         30

Practical Examination Pattern – Semester – VI :
Q.No.                       Question No.                                     Marks
1                               Advanced Spread Sheet                        7
2                              Introduction VB Programming                3
3                              Journal                                                    5
4                              Viva                                                         5
(e) Practical examination to be conducted 2 to 3 weeks before the theory examination. Marks out of 25 to be submitted to the University before commencement of theory examination.
(f) Software Requirement :
Spread Sheet 2010, VB 6.0.
(g) Hardware
For a batch of 120 students minimum 10 computers with appropriate hardware and software installed on each computer. During practical hours maximum two student may share one computer.
(h) For in house computing facility fee of rupees 750/- be charged for each student per Semester in the existing fee structure against head of computer fee/computer practical.


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