Commerce V TYBCOM Semester V


Michael Vaz,  Aurora vaz

6th Edition : June 2023

ISBN : 978-93-5750-063-0


Commerce V


TYBCOM Semester V




1. Introduction to Marketing (12 Lec.)
♦ Marketing, Concept, Features, Importance, Functions, Evolution, Strategic v/s. Traditional Marketing
♦ Marketing Research – Concept, Features, Process Marketing Information System – Concept, Components
Data Mining – Concept, Importance
♦ Consumer Behaviour – Concept, Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour
Market Segmentation – Concept, Benefits, Bases of Market Segmentation
Customer Relationship Management – Concept, Techniques
Market Targeting – Concept, Five Patterns of Target Market Selection

2. Marketing Decisions – I (11 Lec.)
♦ Marketing Mix – Concept
Product – Product Decision Areas
Product Life Cycle – Concept, Managing Stages of PLC
Branding – Concept, Components
Brand Equity – Concept, Factors Influencing Brand Equity
♦ Packaging – Concept, Essentials of a Good Package
Product Positioning – Concept, Strategies of Product Positioning
Service Positioning – Importance and Challenges
♦ Pricing – Concept, Objectives, Factors Influencing Pricing, Pricing Strategies

3. Marketing Decisions – II (11 Lec.)
♦ Physical Distribution – Concept, Factors Influencing Physical Distribution, Marketing Channels (Traditional and Contemporary Channels)
Supply Chain Management – Concept, Components of SCM
♦ Promotion – Concept, Importance, Elements of Promotion Mix
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) – Concept, Scope, Importance
♦ Sales Management – Concept, Components, Emerging Trends in Selling
Personal Selling – Concept, Process of Personal Selling, Skill sets required for Effective Selling

4. Key Marketing Dimensions (11 Lec.)
♦ Marketing Ethics – Concept, Unethical Practices in Marketing, General Role of Consumer Organisations
Competitive Strategies for Market Leader, Market Challenger, Market Follower and Market Nicher
♦ Rural Marketing – Concept, Features of Indian Rural Market, Strategies For Effective Rural Marketing
Digital Marketing – Concept, Trends in Digital Marketing
Green Marketing – Concept, Importance
♦ Challenges Faced by Marketing Managers in 21st Century
Careers in Marketing – Skill sets required for Effective Marketing
Factors contributing to Success of Brands in India with Suitable Examples
Reasons for Failure of Brands in India with Suitable Examples


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