Vocational Skills in Accounting and Finance Paper – IV
(Data Visualization)
FYBAF Semester II
As Per NEP 2020
(w.e.f. the Academic Year 2024-25)
Module I : Introduction to Data Visualization 15 Hours
♦ Meaning, Need, Importance and Principles of Data Visualization
♦ Types of Financial Data Visualization : Line Charts, Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Histogram, Scatter Plot, Area Chart, Radar Chart and Candlestick Charts (Need and When to Use Them)
Module II : Creating Charts Using Excel 15 Hours
♦ Creating and Reporting Data Using Line Charts, Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Histogram, Scatter Plot, Area Chart, Radar Chart and Candlestick Charts with Excel / Other Tools
(Note: The module/s are to be taught with the help of the computer wherever practical exposure is required.)
Information: Model question paper for external exam will be provided during the workshops.
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