Business Communication – I FYBCOM Semester I


Mulgaonkar – Waradkar – Bapat – Chakravarty

7th Revised Edition – July 2022

ISBN 978-93-91381-25-7


Business Communication – I


FYBCOM Semester  I




Unit – 1 : Theory of Communication
1. Concept of Communication : Models of Communication – Linear/ Interactive / Transactional / Shannon and Weaver (to be only discussed in class) Meaning, Definition, Process, Need, Feedback
Emergence of Communication as a key concept in the Corporate and Global World
2. Impact of technology Enabled Communication : Types – Internet, Blogs, E-Mail, Moodle, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter & Whats’app Advantages and Disadvantages
3. Communication at Workplace :
Channels – Formal and Informal – Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal, Grapevine
Methods – Verbal / Nonverbal (including Visual), Business Etiquettes
4. Business Ethics :
Ethics at Workplace – Importance of Business Ethics
Personal Integrity at the workplace
Business Ethics and Media
Computer Ethics
Corporate Social Responsibility
5. Problems in Communication / Barriers to Communication :
Physical / Semantic / Language / Socio-Cultural / Psychological Barriers, Ways to Overcome these Barriers
6. Listening :
Importance of Listening Skills, Obstacles to Listening, Cultivating Good Listening Skills

Unit – 2 : Business Correspondence
1. Theory of Business Letter Writing :
Parts, Structure, Layouts – Full Block, Principles of Effective Letter Writing, Principles of Effective E-mail Writing
2. Personnel Correspondence :
Statement of Purpose, Letter of Recommendation, Job Application Letter and Resume, Letter of Appointment (to be only discussed in class), Letter of Acceptance of Job Offer, Letter of Appreciation, Letter of Resignation

Unit – 3 : Language and Writing Skills
1. Commercial Terms used in Business Communication (to be only discussed)
2. Paragraph Writing :
Developing an idea, using appropriate linking devices, etc.
Cohesion and Coherence, etc.
3. Tutorials Activities :
Speaking Skills, Writing Skills, Remedial Grammar, Soft Skills – EQ, Conflict Management, Time Management
(Students may be asked to make a Power Point Presentation on any topic of their choice in order to enhance LSRW – Listening / Speaking/ Reading / Writing)


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