Auditing – FYBAF Semester II


Ainapure – Ainapure

Fifth Revised Edition – January 2022

ISBN 978-93-91381-54-7



(Introduction and Planning : Paper I)


FYBAF Semester II




1. Introduction to Auditing (15 Lec.)
♦ Basics
Financial Statements, Users of Financial Information, Definition of Auditing, Objectives of Auditing – Primary and Secondary, Expression of Opinion, Detection of Frauds and Errors, Inherent Limitations of Audit
♦ Errors and Frauds
Concepts, Reasons and Circumstances, Types of Errors – Commission, Omission, Principle and Compensating, Types of Frauds, Risk of Fraud and Error in Audit, Auditor’s Duties and Responsibilities in Respect of Fraud
♦ Principles of Audit
Integrity, Objectivity, Independence, Confidentiality, Skills and Competence, Materiality and Work Performed by Others, Documentation, Planning, Audit Evidence, Accounting System and Internal Control, Audit Conclusions and Reporting
♦ Types of Audit
Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages of Balance Sheet Audit, Interim Audit, Continuous Audit, Concurrent Audit, Annual Audit
♦ Miscellaneous
Advantages of Independent Audit, Qualities of Auditors, Auditing Vs Accounting, Auditing Vs Investigation, the Concept True and Fair View
♦ Accounting Concepts Relevant to Auditing
Materiality, Going Concern

2. Audit Planning, Procedures and Documentation (15 Lec.)
♦ Audit Planning
Meaning, Objectives, Factors to be Considered, Sources of Obtaining Information, Discussions with Client, Overall Audit Plan
♦ Audit Programme
Meaning, Factors to be Considered, Advantages, Disadvantages, Overcoming Disadvantages, Methods of Work, Instruction before Commencing Works of Audit, Overall Audit Approach
♦ Audit working Papers
Meaning, Importance, Factors Determining Form and Contents, Main Functions /Importance, Features, Contents of Permanent Audit File, Temporary Audit File, Ownership, Custody, Access of Other Parties to Audit Working Papers, Auditors Lien on Working Papers, Auditors Lien on Client’s Books
♦ Audit Notebook
Meaning, Structure, Contents, General Information, Current Information and Importance

3. Auditing Techniques (15 Lec.)
♦ Test Check
Test Checking Vs Routing Checking, Test Check Meaning, Features, Factors to be Considered, When Test Checks can be Used, Advantages, Disadvantages and Precautions
♦ Audit Sampling
Audit Sampling, Meaning, Purpose, Factors in Determining Sample Size – Sampling Risk, Tolerable Error and Expected Error, Methods of Selecting Sample Items, Evaluation of Sample Results Auditors Liability in Conducting Audit based on Sample
♦ Internal Control
Meaning and Purpose, Review of Internal Control, Advantages, Auditors Duties, Review of Internal Control, Inherent Limitations of Internal Control, Internal Control Samples for Sales and Debtors, Purchases and Creditors, Wages and Salaries
♦ Internal Checks Vs Internal Control, Internal Checks Vs Test Checks

4. Internal Audit (15 Lec.)
♦ Meaning, Basic Principles of Establishing Internal Audit, Objectives, Evaluation of Internal Audit by Statutory Auditor, Usefulness of Internal Audit
♦ Internal Audit Vs External Audit, Internal Checks Vs Internal Audit


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