Human Resource Management MCOM Semester III


Michael Vaz – Meeta Seta

4th Revised Edition – July 2022

ISBN 978-93-91381-74-5


Human Resource Management


MCOM Semester III




1. Human Resource Management (15 Lec.)
♦ Human Resource Management (HRM) – Concept, Traditional HRM v/s Strategic HRM, Objectives of HRM, Organisation Structure of HRM Department – Changing Role of H.R. Manager.
♦ Human Resource Planning – Concept, Factors affecting HRP, Information Management in HRP – HRIS (Human Resource Information System), Job Analysis, Psychological and Behavioural Issues in HRP.
♦ Recruitment and Selection of managerial personnel – Factors affecting recruitment process, Role of Recruitment agencies, Online process of selection.

2. Human Resource Development (15 Lec.)
♦ Training and Development – Designing of the effective training programme, Evaluation of the effective training programme, Challenges before trainers, Management Development Programme – Techniques.
♦ Performance Appraisal – Process, Guidelines for conducting appraisal Interviews, Ethical aspects in performance appraisal.
♦ Career Advancement and Succession Planning – Self-Development Mechanism and Knowledge enrichment, Managing Promotion and Transfers, Managing dismissal, Succession Planning – Problems and Issues, Culture as a factor in Succession Planning.

3. Latest Development in H.R.M. And Labour Legislation (15 Lec.)
♦ Industrial Relation Act – Prominent features and recent changes in Trade Union Act 2016, Factories Act 1961, Industrial Disputes Act 1950.
♦ Prominent Features and recent changes to Child and Women Labour Act 1986, Social Security Act 2016, Prevention of Sexual harassment Act, 2013.
♦ Prominent Features and recent changes to Employees Acts like payment of Gratuity Act 2015, Provident Fund Act 1952, Minimum Wages Act 2016 and Payment of Wages Act 1991, Workmen Compensation Act 2014/ESI Scheme.

4. Emerging Issues In H.R.M. (15 Lec.)
♦ Health and Safety – Safety measures and safety programmes, Stress and its Impact on Job Performance, Role of organization in ensuring mental and physical health of employees
♦ Work Life Balance – Need and Importance, Employee Engagement, Managing Millennials (Gen Y)
♦ Talent Management – Concept , Importance, Process, Talent Management and VUCA Environment (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity), H.R. Practices at Global level


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