Environmental Management – SYBMS Semester III


Prof. (Mrs.) Chandana Chakraborti

5th Revised Edition, June 2023

ISBN 978-93-5750-080-7


Environmental Management


SYBMS Semester III




1. Environmental Concepts (12 Lec.)
♦ Environment : Definition and composition, Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere
♦ Biogeochemical cycles – Concept and Water Cycle
♦ Ecosystem & Ecology; Food Chain, Food Web & Energy Flow Pyramid
♦ Resources: Meaning, Classification (Renewable & non-renewable), Types & Exploitation of Natural Resources in Sustainable Manner

2. Environment Degradation (11 Lec.)
♦ Degradation – Meaning and Causes, Degradation of Land, Forest and Agricultural Land and its remedies
♦ Pollution – meaning, types, causes and remedies (land, air, water and others)
♦ Global Warming : Meaning, Causes and Effects
♦ Disaster Management : Meaning, Disaster Management Cycle
♦ Waste Management : Definition and Types – Solid waste management anthropogenic waste, e-waste & biomedical waste (consumerism as a cause of waste)

3 Sustainability and Role of Business (11 Lec.)
♦ Sustainability : Definition, Importance and Environment Conservation
♦ Environmental Clearance for establishing and operating Industries in India
♦ EIA, Environmental Auditing, ISO 14001
♦ Salient Features of Water Act, Air Act and Wildlife Protection Act
♦ Carbon Bank & Kyoto Protocol

4 Innovations in Business – An Environmental Perspective (11 Lec.)
Non-Conventional Energy Sources – Wind, Bio-fuel, Solar, Tidal and Nuclear Energy. Innovative Business Models: Eco-tourism, Green marketing, Organic farming, Eco-friendly packaging, Waste management projects for profits ,other business projects for greener future


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